Educational Leadership: A Bridge to Improved Practice
Educational Leadership: A Bridge to Improved Practice PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Educational Leadership: A Bridge to Improved Practice describes how successful and effective schools and administrators operate in an increasingly challenging, fast-paced, demanding, and at times revolutionary environment. Readers are offered an integrated view of the knowledge base, research, and practice of administration within a context of multiple perspectives and a wide range of thinking.
This edition provides a comprehensive discussion of the field of educational administration in three sections. The Foundations of Educational Leadership presents a context for educational leadership studies with thorough descriptions and applications of educational standards, common practices, and assessments that equip each learner with a solid understanding of his or her own leadership style. Instructional Leadership and Student Learning emphasizes the critical role of the school leader in education, and to the student and the teacher. Operational Support for Effective Teaching and Learning examines the major functions of the school leader, including legal, financial, and stewardship responsibilities.
- A Problem-Based Learning Project at the end of each section, offering opportunities for applied practice and further understanding
- New Chapter, Technology and Learning , studies the growth of technologies in schools and what that means for aspiring school leaders.
- All new Expert Opinions from influential and award-winning educational scholars, including Kathleen Binkowski, Chris Devers, and Ian Martin.
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